The Alchemist

द्वारा Rent_Novels♥️
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1 year ago

Note: Just for rental use, not for sale!

Why you should read this book?

  1. To know the value of your dream,
  2. To never stop dreaming,
  3. To understand the hidden secret around us and within us,
  4. To be a book lover
  5. To go on great adventure just by reading this book (trust me, u will) ♥️
  6. To learn about omens (Sign of Angel talking to you).
  7. To have faith in God


A common boy named Santiago later became a shephard just to travel around the world. 

He later then met a lot of new person, goes to the new place destinated by god and became a crystal merchanter, a wealthy man,  great magician (not so called one, bt real one)

अवस्था* नयाँ
डेलिभरी उपलब्ध छैन
लेखक Paulo Coelho
पसलको स्थान Keshaliya Road 56613 Biratnagar, Koshi Province, Nepal

कुनै समीक्षा फेला परेन!

यो वस्तुका लागि कुनै टिप्पणी फेला परेन । टिप्पणी गर्न पहिलो हुनुहोस्!

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