KasperSKY Anti-virous

द्वारा Dream Home
0 194
रू 550
1 year ago
  1. Valid on 1 User for 1 Year.
  2. Valid on both Fresh Installation & Renewal also.
  3. Activation key will be provided digitally on Email & WhatsApp.
  4. This Key works on devices with INDIA IP addresses only.
  5. Easy to use, automatically detects and removes Viruses, Trojans & Malware.
  6. Keeps your device safe, secure & protects against malicious virus attacks.
  7. Automatically updates the latest virus definitions when they get released.
  8. Blocks dangerous links, apps, websites and malware.
  9. Filter out unwanted texts and calls and protects your privacy.
  10. Remote control of lost or stolen mobile device- helps protect your personal data.
  11. Protection against phishing attempts; Helps keeping calls, contacts, texts private.
मूल्य मिलाउन सकिने होइन
अवस्था* नयाँ
डेलिभरी उपलब्ध
वारेन्टी बाँकी 1yrs
मोडलको नाम Kaspersky 1years licience
पसलको स्थान imadol lalitpur 44600 Kathmandu, Bagmati Province, Nepal

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